Today’s blend was inspired by the treasure that is Allie Van Fossen and the live yoga/breathwork/ meditation/journaling session she lead today. The theme of it was balance: balancing yin/yang, sun/moon, root/rise… I feel like I went out on a limb with this blend - I chose oils that are really strong and distinct: Galbanum (Ferula galbaniflua), Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), and Buddha Wood (Eremophila mitchellii). Galbanum is quite herbaceous - reminds me of freshly cut grass. In Ayurveda, Galbanum is said to balance all three doshas: vata (air & ether), pitta (fire & water), and kapha (earth & water). Palmarosa is quite floral and reminds me of my grandma taking me through department stores as a kid and dousing me with rose perfume. Palmarosa is energetically neutral, meaning, it can go either way and depends on what it is blended with. Buddha Wood, which is said to promote inner unity, helps balance the other two oils, like the base of a triangle. I hope you enjoy it.