When coming up with an essential oil blend to diffuse in your home, add to your aromatherapy jewelry, or mix with a carrier oil, you can use the general rule of thumb (5 drops top note, 4 drops middle, and 3 drops base), you can purchase synergy blends from your favorite retailer (more on that later), or you can search online. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel unless you want to and are willing to tolerate not-so-good results (days 2 and 3 I’m looking at you.) There are a lot of resources but the one that I use most often is diffuserblends.com, It’s a subscription service ($9.99/year), but I think it’s really worth it. You can search by oil or multiple oils, and it’ll let you know the aromatic profile and whether it is calming or stimulating. When I am diffusing more for scent, rather than a wellness concern, I will go on that site and just scroll through to see what catches my attention. And then I will pick a blend and tweak it here and there. This is how I came up with today’s blend of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), and Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). The one I originally found had more Lavender, but I felt it was too overpowering. But this I like!